R O B I N _ B E R T R A M _ a r c h i t e c t


R O B I N _ B E R T R A M _ DipArch RIBA ARB


I am an award-winning architect who has for the last 18 years been based in Norwich, having worked previously in London, Cornwall and Hong Kong. I studied at Nottingham and Edinburgh then completed my training in London while working at Dannatt Johnson Architects. Prior to setting up my own practice, I spent over ten years as a senior architect helping Hudson Architects to strengthen their enviable reputation in the East of England, delivering projects for Norwich University of the Arts and leading the practice’s housing and masterplanning projects, for Broadland Housing Association, private developers and individual clients.

Since starting work more than 30 years ago, I have developed a keen understanding of how to evaluate what individuals and organisations want and need from a design, and how to align a client’s objectives with both their resources and the project’s context. My working practice is always based on creative thinking and a commitment to testing preconceptions (including my own).
