R O B I N _ B E R T R A M _ a r c h i t e c t

S a n d r i n g h a m _ R o a d



Sandringham Road, Norwich



A contemporary extension to a typical Victorian Norwich terrace house, which has transformed not just the rear of the house, but the whole house.

The design of the proposed extension takes its cue from the traditional mono-pitch form of the demolished rear extension, similar to the adjacent houses and typical of this area, whilst the zinc roof and cladding make it clear that it's a contemporary element.

The distinctive choice of the red colour follows consideration of the original Victorian-era duality of the house: to the front - to the public face - the smarter, more expensive materials of buff brick, stone and grey slates (neutral, light colours); whereas to the rear - the private realm - the cheaper, basic materials of red-brick and terracotta pantiles (red/orange/brown in colour). The red zinc continues this two-tone language.
